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The Cattle Barons' Submissive Page 2

  Connor sauntered up and sat at her right. He picked up her right hand and dropped a delicate kiss to the palm. Briana felt a small shiver deep inside at his caress. Her head shuttled back and forth as she looked at the handsome men on either side of her. If she didn’t know better, she’d think that she was looking at mirror images. The Kerrigan brothers were identical twins with similar glossy black curls and navy blue eyes. The only way she could tell the two apart was that Connor had a small mole at the corner of his left eyebrow. This physical characteristic had clued her in that she’d made a grave mistake ten years before.


  “I’m here to pick up Briana.” Oh crap! He was here. Briana quickly swiped mascara over her lashes before picking up a lacy white crocheted sweater. Stepping back from the bathroom counter she looked at her image critically. Against Liam’s autocratic order, she’d piled her long auburn hair on the back of her head in a messy bun that somehow managed to look elegant. Long, curling tendrils escaped in the back to caress her ivory skin. Though it was summer, she didn’t bother to even try to get a tan. A few memorable sunburns had convinced her that she wasn’t meant to be a bronze goddess. Her perusal continued as she took in the tight black jeans and light green camisole top she’d donned in direct opposition to Liam’s orders. She’d decided that she’d make it clear to him at the beginning that she wasn’t some little woman to be ordered around. Smiling at her reflection in smug satisfaction, she picked up a small clutch purse and slung the long strap over her shoulder. Holding the sweater draped over her arm, she made her way downstairs to her date waiting at the front door. Catching sight of Liam standing in the foyer talking to her petite blonde haired mother, Briana stopped for a moment to catch her breath. He was gorgeous! He’d slicked back his glossy loose curls to lie tidily at the base of his neck. A dark blue western shirt covered muscular shoulders tucking down into new blue jeans over lean hips. She could see a shiny silver belt buckle on the black western belt he’d worn to complete the outfit along with shiny black dress cowboy boots. OMG! He was just sex on a stick. Fanning herself discreetly with her clutch, Briana made her was down the rest of the stairs on suddenly wobbly legs. Hearing her descent, Liam turned her way with a smile creasing his tan face. The smile faded as he took in her appearance. A grim light entered his eyes though he continued to interact cordially with her mother. Briana felt a warning frisson run down her spine. Though he had no right to tell her what to do, she almost ran back up the stairs to change into the outfit he’d proscribed. Nonsense! She squared her shoulders and walked to Liam’s side with the light of battle in her eyes. Liam’s eyes ran up and down her slender but curvaceous frame lingering on her pert breasts cupped lovingly by the built in shelf bra of the camisole. Briana was embarrassed to feel her nipples peak at his perusal. A slight smile lifted the corner of Liam’s mouth and he lifted his arm to place a possessive hand in the small of her back. A shiver went through Briana at his touch. Her traitorous nipples tightened even more. “It was very nice to meet you Mrs. O’Donnell. I promise to get Briana home at a decent hour.” Dark blue eyes glowed down at the fluttering, petite woman.

  Obviously affected by his masculine appeal, Lisa O’Donnell blushed and reached out a small hand to pat his sleeve. “I know you will Liam. And, please, call me Lisa.”

  Holding her blue-green eyes with his, Liam grasped her hand and brought it to his lips in a dashing fashion. “I can see where Briana gets her beauty, Lisa. Though I’d be hard put to believe that you are her mother. I would have guessed her sister maybe...” Briana’s smitten mother reddened even more and giggled. She seemed much younger than her age of 45; eating up Liam’s flattery. Briana rolled her eyes. Talk about a silver tongued devil! Unfortunately for him, she’d lived with her father her whole life. She knew all about Irish blarney.

  “I think we should go now don’t you Liam.” She sweetly smiled up at him while attempting to step away from the heavy hand at the base of her spine.

  A frown briefly formed between Liam’s brows as he grasped her hip and brought her up close against his side. “I agree Darlin’’. I have reservations at 6:30 PM.” Looking back at Briana’s enthralled mother, Liam touched the brow of his hat. “Nice to meet you ma’am.”

  Lisa blinked rapidly. “You too...Liam.” Her attention turned Briana. “Have fun Dear. I won’t wait up.” This was said with a wink.

  Briana leaned over from her greater height and kissed her petite mother on the cheek. “I will Mom. See you tomorrow.”

  Liam released Briana’s hip and firmly grasped her hand. She looked back to her mother and waved as he towed her toward the battered pickup truck parked in front of her family’s Queen Anne Style house. As they walked Liam muttered. “What are you wearing woman?” He gallantly opened the door of the truck and helped her into it even going so far as to attach the seat belt before walking over to his side of the truck. Turning the key, he fired up the noisy vehicle and pulled away from the curb. Once they were picking their way out of the Bozeman historic district, he turned a stern glare on Briana. “I thought I asked you to wear a dress.”

  Briana smiled at him innocently. “More like ordered me to.” She looked down at her outfit. “This is completely appropriate any place we would be going to tonight. This IS Montana for Christ’s sake. Casual is fine even at the fanciest restaurants.”

  Liam frowned at her briefly before returning his attention to the road. “No need to take the Lord’s name in vain Briana.”

  Feeling slightly chastened, Briana lapsed into silence. Her parents who were devout Catholics would also have felt the need to correct her if she swore. She rolled her eyes inwardly. What had she gotten herself into? Did she really want to spend her last summer before college with a guy who told her what to do and corrected her speech? Thinking furiously, Briana looked over at Liam’s handsome profile regretfully. “I think that maybe this was a mistake.” The words came out hesitantly. As she spoke, Liam wheeled the truck into a crowded parking lot located in downtown Bozeman. He drove the pickup into the very back of the lot and parked it in the last row.

  Turning off the ignition, Liam turned and looked at Briana with narrowed eyes. The silence was deafening after the growl of the truck’s engine. Fixing her gaze with his own, he deliberately unbuckled his seat belt then reached across the bench seat to unlatch hers as well. Briana met his intent stare with started dark green eyes. Against her wishes, she felt her crests swell and harden in anticipation. Liam’s gaze dropped to this obvious sign of her arousal then lifted to hers. “Maybe you should tell your body that Darlin’’.” A calloused hand lifted up to gently cup her full breast. Every time I’m near you, these beauties tell me that this is not a mistake.” A large thumb lifted up to gently press her nipple. His other hand dropped to cover the obvious bulge underneath the button fly of his jeans. “This also tells me that our dating isn’t a mistake.” Briana’s cheeks flushed at his crudity. Before she could rebuke him the hand on her breast reached up to cup her flushed cheek. “Tell you what. If we kiss and you can honestly tell me afterward that you aren’t affected...I’ll take you home.” Briana’s eyes widened. She looked searchingly into Liam’s guileless blues deciding if she could trust him. Thinking that this might be an easy out for her, she nodded her head once then waited with baited breath to see what he would do.

  He immediately scooted to the center of the bench seat; pulling her into the circle of his whipcord muscular arms. One large hand raised up to cup the back of her head and before she could take a breath, chiseled lips swooped down to devour her pink tinted lips. She opened her mouth to protest and felt the tip of his tongue intrude into her mouth. He tasted faintly of mint. As her mouth opened to his demands, he groaned and deepened his possession. As his tongue set up a relentless in and out rhythm, Briana began to moan deep in her throat and restlessly shift in her seat. Without breaking their contact, Liam shifted Briana until she straddled him on the hard bench seat. In this position, he could kiss her while undulating
his jean clad erection into her needy cleft. In the fever created by their mutual chemistry, Briana didn’t notice Liam’s busy fingers in her hair. After a particularly hard thrust, Liam tore his lips from Briana’s and buried his lips next to her ear. “Come for me Bri.” He held her wide open upon his rock hard erection.

  “Ungh...uh.” Briana breathed with her head arched back. Liam could feel her greedy plump mound press rhythmically against his turgid cock. She collapsed in his arms with her face buried in his neck.


  Briana languidly lifted her head and blinked owlishly down at him. “Yeah?” She looked well rumpled.

  “I think that might have affected you Darlin’’.” A triumphant grin lifted the corner of his mouth.

  Angry clouds gathered in Briana’s eyes. “!” She smacked his shoulder with an open hand.

  Liam laughed boyishly and gathered her close. “Let’s go to dinner Luv.” Briana attempted to gather her composure around her as she clambered from Liam’s lap. Reaching up to smooth her hair she realized the Liam had managed to take it out of its messy bun and drape it over her shoulders.

  “You took my hair down!” Her voice filled with outrage.

  “Yeah, I did.” Liam’s voice was filled with satisfaction. “I told you I wanted it loose.” He grabbed her white sweater and held it up. “Hold out your arms Bri.”

  Briana frowned at him. “Why?”

  The corner of Liam’s mouth quirked. “I want to put your sweater on.”

  Briana pouted. “Why?”

  Liam took a deep breath in and out then looked back at Briana with a burning gaze. “I don’t want any other men to see you in this tight top.”

  Briana started to laugh then stopped abruptly. She could kind of see what he meant. Every time she’d been around him, her naughty nipples had come to attention. She actually would prefer to wear the sweater if she was going to spend the evening with him. Sighing deeply, she decided to concede. “Okay. I’ll wear it.” She could see his eyebrows rising in surprise. He pursed sensual lips as if to bite back his words. He very carefully placed her right arm in a lacey white sleeve then her left arm. Their eyes met and held while he efficiently buttoned the garment from bottom to top. He gently chucked her under the chin as he finished up.

  “There you go Darlin’’. All right and tight.” He smoothed a hand down her arm. “Let’s go and eat dinner.” Looking at him with wide eyes, Briana watched him exit the truck and come around to her side. Opening the door, he held up his hands. Briana gladly allowed him to grasp her waist and lift her out of the vehicle. She shivered at the strength he exhibited while moving her. Slamming the door, Liam placed a hand at the small of Briana’s back and escorted her to the front door of the restaurant. She was surprised to see that he’d brought her to Sunni’s Grill. Though not the most exclusive restaurant in Bozeman, she would think that it would be out of the average cowboy’s budget. Looking at Liam’s handsome profile out of the corner of her eyes, Briana inwardly shrugged. It wasn’t her problem if he wanted to overspend. A secretive smile twisted the corner of her mouth. If she was going to be honest with herself, it made her feel good that he wanted to impress her.


  “Where’s your mind gone to Darlin’?” Liam’s voice broke her reverie. Brought back to present day, Briana shook her head as if to clear it and returned her attention to the men on either side.

  Smiling slightly and looking down, Briana answered his question. “I was thinking about the summer we met...”

  A boyish smile split Liam’s face. “Ah, you were such a beautiful girl.” He curled a tan hand around the small, white hand curled on her thigh and squeezed gently. “Though you are gorgeous now.” He lifted the other hand and smoothed auburn locks back from her flushed cheek. “I’m so glad that you are finally ours.”

  Connor laid a heavy hand on her other thigh and squeezed firmly. “As am I.” Briana was surprised to feel a clenching in her nether regions at his caress.

  Lifting her head quickly, Briana fixed them each in turn with a narrow eyed gaze. “For the next year.” She spoke slowly and deliberately to emphasize her point.

  The brothers exchanged telling glances then looked back at her. Connor smiled conciliatorily at her after a charged silence. “Of course, Dear. We will treasure the time we spend together.” He firmly squeezed her thigh again.

  Liam cleared his throat as he grabbed the menu and sat back in his seat. “I think we should order then become re-acquainted.” Relieved that he’d released her hand, Briana picked up her menu and looked at the overpriced options. Realizing that she wasn’t very hungry due to nerves, she decided to eat a simple dinner of roasted chicken, grilled vegetables and rice.

  “I think that I’d like to have the chicken dish.” She pointed at the item on the menu.

  Connor looked her up and down. “Sweetheart, there’s no need for you to count calories. I prefer my women with a few curves.”

  Briana bridled. “I’m not trying to lose weight.” She paused for a moment to collect her wits. “I’m just...” She cleared her throat. “Not hungry.” She shrugged her shoulders then continued. “I’m pretty nervous.” She lifted a glass of water to her lips and swallowed it in a few gulps. “I’m not sure what you two are going to expect of me.” After dropping the glass back to the linen covered table, she used her other hand to shakily wipe off her wet upper lip. Connor gently removed the empty glass from her limp fingers and set it on the table. He covered her now empty hand with his own. Briana absently noted how delicate her fingers looked under his masculine digits. He lifted his other hand to cup the back of her neck through thick, dark red hair. “We aren’t going to expect anything that you haven’t already gone over in the employment contract.” He exchanged rueful navy blue glances with his brother then continued. “We are...dominant men. I imagine that you already know that.” His eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled wryly. The hand on her nape tightened briefly then started to smooth from the top of her head down to the middle of her back. After soothing her for a few moments he gripped the back of her head and turned it so hesitant dark green eyes met velvety blue. “Our job will be to make sure that you enjoy your time with us. All you have to do is obey.”

  Green eyes widened in alarm. “That’s what I’m worried about. I’m not some meek woman who scurries around following the orders of her ‘lord and master’.” She took a deep breath. “Usually, I’m the one who’s the boss. I was the chief operations officer at CAP and, of course, I’m the manager of The Rose of Tralee now that Roy has...disappeared.” She swallowed. “What if I ...can’t do it?” She looked over her shoulder at Liam as she said this.

  The brothers broke out into masculine laughter. “Sweetheart. I think you are a natural. You’ve just never gotten a chance to explore your submissive side.” Liam reached up a hand to chuck her under the chin. Briana pulled back and started to speak when their waiter entered the room.

  “Gentleman, Ma’am, have you decided what you would like to order?” The waiter’s obsequious manner set Briana’s teeth on edge. This restaurant catered to the wealthy elite who came to Bozeman in droves from all over the world. Well know for premium skiing and fly-fishing, the Gallatin Valley drew people who wanted the “Montana” experience then paradoxically expected to be treated like visiting royalty. She was surprised that the twins would frequent such an establishment considering their own humble beginnings.

  “Briana...where did you go to Darlin’’?” Liam’s amused lilt reached her ears in the midst of her reverie.

  Shaking her head as if to clear it, Briana smiled apologetically and looked up at the waiter’s urbane face. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  Masking his annoyance, the server repeated his question. “The chicken can either come with or without skin...which would you prefer?”

  “Oh please, with skin.” Briana smiled at him showing lots of teeth. “So much more tasty that way don’t you think?”

bsp; He gave her generous curves a quick up and down glance then shrugged his shoulders. “Of course Madam. Some ladies prefer no skin because it cuts the fat calories quite a bit.”

  Liam interrupted before Briana could jump down his throat. “You heard the lady.” He wrapped an arm around Briana’s shoulders. “Please bring us a bottle of wine too. Briana love, do you have a preference?”

  Briana shook her head. “I’m partial to lighter white chardonnay aged in an oak cask...too heavy for me.”

  Liam looked up at the waiter. “Whatever the sommelier suggests taking Ms. O’Donnell’s preferences in mind. Thank you.” His final words were a curt dismissal.

  The waiter bowed slightly. “As you wish Sir.” He nodded his head to Connor then Briana. “Sir, Ma’am.” He backed out of the room.

  Briana rolled her eyes at his exit. She turned her attention back to the brothers. “So.” She took a deep breath. “What happens now?”


  Liam turned out to be a very entertaining dinner companion. His stories about growing up in Ireland had Briana laughing non-stop as they consumed delicious steak dinners followed by a large slice of cheesecake which they shared. Taking a small bit of the creamy dessert with her fork, Briana slid the heavenly treat between her lips onto her tongue. Closing her eyes she hummed appreciatively at the rich flavor. A satisfied smile lifted the corner of her mouth when she opened her eyes and saw Liam’s gaze fixed on her mouth. His eyes had darkened to a deep indigo as she’d rolled the creamy goodness around her tongue in obvious enjoyment. Swallowing the last bit down, she deliberately licked her lips. Liam’s muffled groan was music to her ears. “If you keep that up, you’re going to unman me woman.” Briana giggled at his obvious discomfort then set the fork down. She’d had enough of the rich dessert. Taking a sip of delicious coffee, she took a deep breath then looked up at him through her lashes. “So, how’d you end up in Montana?”