The Cattle Barons' Submissive Page 6
“I want to go home now Connor and think about this.” She picked up the picnic bag and looked at him expectantly. He scrambled to gather all of his fishing supplies.
“Of course, Luv. Let’s get you settled in the truck. I’ll call Liam when we get into town and tell him that we came home early.” He eagerly escorted her to the old truck, helping her up into her seat. She ignored him as he placed his gear in the back of the vehicle then walked around to the driver’s side door. She continued to regally ignore him until he’d unloaded her picnic bag and escorted her through the front door of her home. Looking at her in apprehension, he made his goodbyes. Briana stiffly nodded her head and closed the door. Standing silently in the stillness of the empty house she suddenly gave out a pained cry. Stuffing her fist in her mouth, she ran up the stairs to her bedroom. Flinging herself upon the bed, she let out the first of many heartfelt cries. She heard her mother tentatively enter the room many hours later.
“Briana, Darlin’g...what is wrong?” Her mother’s breath caught in her throat at the sight of Briana’s ravaged face. Briana stood up off of the bed and ran to her mother’s arms. Looking up into her mother’s concerned face, Briana spoke in choked tones.
“Mom, do you think I could go to school early...maybe stay in San Francisco with Aunt Charlotte?”
Lisa looked closely into her daughter’s heartbroken face and nodded slowly. “Of course Dear. I’ll give her a call.”
Chapter 3 – Conditioning
Fresh from the shower, Briana hovered over her phone. She hesitantly pressed the key to call Liam. It rang briefly then he answered, “Liam here. Are you ready to set up the camera?”
Briana cleared her throat then spoke. “Yes...I have the laptop open and ready.”
A brief silence then some muffled speech in the background. Liam returned. “Okay, I want you to plug the USB part of the camera into the port on the side of the computer. Also plug in the camera.”
Briana complied. “Okay got it. Now what?”
“Now I want you to open your browser and type in”
Briana complied quickly. “Got it.”
“Now I want you to click on the Celtic Cross Icon on the upper left hand side of the page. Do you see it?”
Briana right clicked on it. “Yep.”
“Good. Do you see the scroll down menu?”
“Uh, huh.”
“Click on ‘Remote Access’.”
Briana ran the pointer down the menu until she found ‘Remote Access’. “I just pressed it.”
A brief moment then the pointer started moving on its own. Briana watched in amazement as screens opened and closed and data was entered quickly. Liam came back on the phone. “I think I’ve gotten it set up. You’ll need to lie on the center of the bed so we can see if the camera is aimed correctly.”
Briana’s cunt clenched at his words. She walked over to the flowery, light green bedspread. Primly smoothing down her nightgown, she climbed on to the top of the bed and rested back on her elbows. “How is this?” She could see a picture in picture open up on the computer screen. It was disconcerting to see her recumbent image on the small screen.
Liam’s voice came over the phone by her ear. “Looks like the camera needs to be adjusted a little higher Luv.”
Pushing herself up to standing, Briana walked over to the camera and adjusted it a little higher. After making the corrections, she went back to the bed and resumed her position with a long suffering sigh. “How’s that?”
“Looks perfect Darlin’’. Make sure to leave on a low light so we can check in during the night.”
Briana leveled a killing look at the camera. “Really? What the hell do you think you will be seeing?”
An amused chuckle sounded over the phone. “Don’t know Luv. That’s why we’re checking in. Oh, FYI, you’ll be seeing Connor tomorrow. He’ll be in town. I have to work the ranch. He may be texting you. Make sure that you are prompt in answering or you’ll earn a punishment.” His voice held a warning note. “Do you understand?”
Briana straightened in alarm. “Yes Sir. I’ll answer Connor’s texts.”
“Good, oh and you can wear silky bikini underwear unless we tell you otherwise. You don’t have to remove the underwear when you rub yourself. The silky material makes it easier. Less friction that way...”
Briana blushed bright red. “Okay Liam. Any other orders before I hang up?”
A low chuckle sounded over the phone. “Watch your tone Luv. Snarky is dangerous for your pert little behind.”
Briana ducked her head with the phone clutched tight in her hand. “I’ll be saying goodbye unless you have any other instructions...Sir.”
Another gale of laughter filled her ear. “No bed covers when you’re stimulating yourself.” He paused as a voiced sounded in the background. “Oh, and please text us before you start. Got it?”
Briana answered in a small voice. “Yes Sir...good night.”
“Good night Darlin’’. Dream of us.” Briana didn’t answer before she pressed the ‘End Call’ icon on her smart phone. Suddenly, climbing into bed just became much more daunting. Ignoring her troubled thoughts, Briana methodically turned off the lights in her bedroom. She left on a small stained glass lamp on top of the antique dresser next to her bed. Sighing deeply, she efficiently pulled back the covers and slid into the comfortable bed. Looking around helplessly, she felt at loose ends. Should she read a little on her E-Reader or should she just continue with the main event? Smiling at her thoughts, Briana sighed and picked up the cell phone on the table next to her bed. Continuing to smile ruefully, she keyed in a quick message then set it down. Taking a deep breath, she pulled the bedcovers to the side and hesitantly spread her legs. Shaking fingers reached down to grasp the silky material of her frothy pink nightgown. The pale pink material slithered as it lifted up smooth thighs to reveal matching blush panties. Briana bent her knees slightly as she started to delicately rub the fingertips of her left hand over the dusky cleft visible under the pale material. Looking at the bedside clock, Briana absently calculated what time it would be when the half hour was up. She felt slightly ridiculous. One of the issues she’d revealed during the interview process at Discrete Assignments was her inability to reach orgasm. She’d been quite concerned that this lack would adversely affect her employment prospects. Mrs. Quinn had assured her that her future employers would know this information and would plan accordingly.
Five minutes in, Briana was surprised to notice that she could feel slippery arousal fluids gathering between her inner lips. She diligently continued rubbing her fingers in circles over her mons. Ten minutes in, Briana’s hips began to twitch involuntarily. Her clitoris felt incredibly sensitive. She could feel the slide of her lips over the engorged nubbin. Her hips rhythmically pressed up against the erotic pressure. A flush appeared on ivory cheeks and her respiration rate increased. Her hips thrust once then twice...gasping, she removed the hand from between her legs. She’d almost come! Briana rested back upon the pillows piled at the top of her bed allowing herself to cool down. The cell phone on the bedside table vibrated.
Connor:“You still have five minutes left.”
The flush on Briana’s cheeks turned to bright red. She’d totally forgotten that she had an audience. Looking at the camera on her desk, she slid her hand back down over her panty clad pussy. She was surprised to find moisture on the fabric. Taking a deep breath, she tentatively rubbed again. Her sensitized flesh instantly responded to the stimulation. Puffing between pink, moist open lips Briana turned her head to glance at the bedside clock. Only two minutes to go! She grimly continued her ministrations. By the time she finished, Briana’s panties were saturated with moisture. Whew! She’d made it just in time before she came. The phone vibrated again.
Liam: “Good girl. Now go to sleep. If you wake up...rub yourself back to sleep.”
After glaring at the surveillance camera, Briana pulled up the fluffy bedcovers and flounced over to rest on h
er stomach. As she slid into sleep, she was surprised to find herself restlessly rubbing her thighs together trying to relieve the discomfort between her legs.
Liam glanced down ruefully at the rock hard erection tenting the front of his sleep pants. “Are you sure that it’s such a good idea for us to wait until she moves in with us before we take her? I’m ready to burst after that little exhibition.”
Connor laughed. “I’m right there with you brother.” He indicated his own bulge then turned his attention back to the large computer screen. Briana shifted restlessly in her sleep. He smiled as she languorously rubbed her thighs together. “I think the benefits we will reap are well worth the short term discomfort.” He glanced back at his brother. “We want to bind her to us permanently. Controlling her arousal will start the process. She won’t want to give up the orgasms we and only we can give her.” He smiled smugly and sat back in his chair.
Briana groaned as her alarm went off. Her sleep had been disturbed by disjointed, erotic dreams. She’d woken once and didn’t think twice before rubbing her swollen clit until she fell back asleep. Now it was time for another half hour session. She picked up the cell phone, typed in a text then settled back after throwing off her covers. Her nipples instantly firmed to hard peaks in the cold morning air and goose bumps formed on her body. Brrr...she reached down with her left hand and began rubbing. Ohh...the first thing she noticed was that her clit was exquisitely sensitive from last night’s stimulation. Her hips started undulating almost immediately once she started touching herself. Moisture bathed her inner lips and seeped out to darken the light pink of her panties to a dusky rose. At fifteen minutes her hips jerked sharply and Briana pulled her hand away abruptly. Wow, that was a close one! She couldn’t believe that she’d almost had two orgasms in as many days. After she cooled down, she hesitantly reached back down and continued circling and pressing her fingers into her panty covered cleft. Oh, oh...almost again. Damn! Breathing in and out deeply, she waited a moment then finished out her time. By the time she was done with the mandated half hour her cheeks were rosy and she was breathing heavily. Strands of auburn hair stuck to the sweat on her forehead. She fell back onto a fluffy pillow and flung out her hands to the side. She clenched and unclenched the fingers of her left hand trying to work out the cramps caused by her morning session. She definitely was going to have to become an ambidextrous wanker! She smiled impishly as the cell phone vibrated.
Connor:“Good job Darlin’g. I’ll see you later today. Set aside a time mid morning to do a five minute session. I would suggest you use your office. Text me when you begin.” Briana pursed her lips at his message. She didn’t realize that they’d want her to do daytime sessions as well! She took a deep breath. This could become troublesome.
Briana was instantly busy when she arrived at the pub. Early mornings were spent getting ready for lunch and dinner service. Though The Rose of Tralee was a pub, they served a full menu of Irish and American foods. Briana’s father prided himself on supporting local farmers and ranchers whenever possible. He also was proud to proclaim that all dishes served at the pub were made from scratch on site. The busy crowds for meals were a testament to his efforts. Briana smiled as she prepared Lamb Stew for tomorrow’s menu. She could remember watching her father make the same dish more than once when she was a child. A tear formed in the corner of her eye at the memory. She wished more than anything that he were here shouting out orders in his diluted Irish brogue. He’d always been stressed in the morning before lunch service. She and the other employees had learned to stay out of his way until he took up his post at the cash register. Shaking her head fondly, she turned to place the large soup pot in an industrial refrigerator in the back of the kitchen. The night shift would start it slow cooking right before they left for the evening. This would result in an absolutely melt in your mouth stew for diners tomorrow. Dashing the tear out of her eye, she absently checked the clock on the wall. Oh no! It was midmorning...she needed to fit in a stimulation session. She hurriedly untied her pub apron and hung it on a hook in the kitchen.
“I need to make a few calls in the office. I’ll be back to help soon.” Briana threw these words over her shoulder as she walked down the hallway to the back of the restaurant. Rosie, their day cook, frowned at her in puzzlement as she walked away. Briana didn’t usually take any breaks until the end of the work day. Rosie’s brow cleared. Maybe she was finally taking care of herself. The lass had been working herself to a thread since she took over managing the restaurant. Nodding her head in approval, Rosie returned to chopping the vegetables they were roasting for the evening meal.
Briana walked into the office and closed the door. She rested back on the door a moment with her eyes closed before opening them slowly. Turning around, she clicked the lock closed. It sounded like a gunshot in the close confines of the office. Her chest lifted and lowered in a large breath before she walked over to the desk. Where should she do it? Her gaze wandered around the office until it lit on the old leather couch along the back wall. That looked like the most comfortable spot. She lifted up her cell phone and texted:
Briana: “I’m going to do it now.” She waited a moment then felt it vibrate.
Connor: “Cutting it a bit close don’t you think? Only barrier between you and your fingers should be your underwear. Lie on couch facing south wall.”
Briana’s brow furrowed. “How do you know what is in my office?”
Connor: “I’ve been there. You’d better start if you don’t want to miss lunch rush.”
Briana narrowed her eyes. Bossy jerk! She walked over to the couch stiffly. Feeling incredibly awkward, she arranged herself on the couch. She kept on her knee-high brown leather boots; hooking one foot over the top of the couch and the other foot resting on the battered wooden floor. She then pulled up the dark green knit skirt to expose wispy white panties trimmed in lace. She looked at her cell to check the time. Okay...five minutes. She began to briskly fulfill her assignment. She was surprised to feel her arousal ramping up almost immediately. Though she’d been busy all morning since the AM session, she’d noticed a low level awareness of the swollen clit rubbing between her cunt lips. On the drive to work she’d clenched and released her thigh muscles in a vain attempt to relieve the ache that had developed since last night. Now that her attention was once again on the little bundle of nerves between her thighs, she started squirming and moaning. Groaning loudly she started to thrust her hips against her stimulating hand. “Ungh...” She came with her back arching and her vagina clenching in an almost painful fashion. After it finished, she blinked her eyes rapidly and rested back against the overstuffed arm of the sofa. What the hell! She never came. This was crazy. Picking up her phone, she noticed that she had at least two minutes to go. Groaning in distress she continued rubbing. At exactly five minutes she stopped, sat up and re-arranged her skirts. Hopefully, Liam and Connor would never know that she’d come. She picked up her phone and walked out of the office with her head in the air.
Connor rubbed an idle hand up and down over the bulge in his pants as he watched Briana climax on the leather couch in her office. His lips curved in a wicked smile as he contemplated the punishment to come. He picked up the phone on his desk. “Clara, I would like to order a late lunch from The Rose of Tralee.”
Briana was caught up in the lunch rush in the pub. Her role was mainly to man the cash register and to seat new patrons. The new additions she’d made to the menu were met with resounding success. She started to head toward the back of the restaurant as the phone at the cash register rang. Turning back, she answered. “Rose of Tralee. Can I help you?”
“Uh, hi my name is Clara. I would like to order a lunch for my boss. He’s...uh..the new owner of the building.”
Briana’s grip tightened on the phone. The new owner. Hopefully he’d be okay with the rent being a little late this month. With the money from the Kerr
igan brothers she should be in the black soon. “Okay. What does he want?”
“He said he’d like the mutton pie if you still have some.”
Briana scribbled furiously on the order pad. “We should have it in about 15 minutes if that would be okay.”
“That should be fine. We are on the second floor, suite 211.”
“Okay. One of us will be there soon.”
“Oh...I forgot to mention.”
Briana rolled her eyes. “Yes?”
“Uh, he wants you to bring it. He wants to meet you.”
Briana let out a huge breath. “Okay...I’ll bring it up. Thanks!” She shook her head. Someone had a big head! Heading toward the back of the restaurant she channeled her dad by barking. “One mutton pie to go please.”
Connor worked on his computer in a desultory fashion while waiting for lunch. He couldn’t wait to see Briana’s reaction to the fact that he and Liam were her landlords. Biding his time, he answered an e-mail from their manufacturer about patent rights. Smiling to himself, he explained the reason why their particular brand of software and equipment were proprietary compared to other forms of surveillance technology. Cutting to the video of Briana coming to climax in her office earlier, he marveled at how clear the footage was and how bright the colors were. Very rarely did he see such clear surveillance footage. He itched to rub his rampant erection but resisted. He was glad he did when he heard a hesitant knock on the door. “Uh, sir...your lunch is here.” It was Clara.