The Cattle Barons' Submissive Read online

  The Cattle Barons’ Submissive


  Jane Pearl

  Published by Jane Pearl at © 2016, Jane Pearl

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

  Prologue – Between a Rock and a Hard Place

  Briana sighed as she looked down at the financial statements. She idly wrapped a strand of auburn hair around her index finger as the full import of the information on the documents in front of her set in. Damn it! Apparently her brother Roy had seen fit to take a loan out on the pub right before he absconded with the funds set aside for operating expenses. According to her calculations, it would almost be impossible for the pub to continue operating more than a month before she would have to either cut staff or default on the loan. Either way, the pub would be out of business in the space of three months unless she figured out some way to re-pay the loan and re-coup the money required to cover taxes, vendors, bills, etc.

  Briana took a deep breath and sat back in the seat of her father’s ancient wooden office chair. What was she going to do? She couldn’t tell her parents. Her father had suffered a stroke six months prior and still hadn’t regained complete control of the left side of his body. Her sweet mother was too involved in nursing her husband. There was no way either of her parents could handle the news that their beloved son had robbed them blind.

  Briana blinked quickly as tears flooded her mossy green eyes. Slender, ivory fingers shook as she reached into the back pocket of her weathered jeans. She held up the simple but elegant business card and read it again. ‘Discrete Assignments’ followed by an 800 number. After taking a deep breath and closing her eyes she reached for the phone and dialed the number.

  “Hello. Discrete Assignments. Mrs. Quinn speaking. How can I help you?”

  Oh man. This shit just got real. After swallowing repeatedly around the lump in her throat, Briana started talking.

  Chapter 1 – What the...really?

  Briana smoothed rumpled auburn hair back as she leaned over to remove clean glasses from the dishwasher under the bar. Smiling faintly, she tucked errant strands as they worked themselves out from the severe French braid she’d used to attempt to tame her wild curls. Washing her hands briskly, she returned to her unloading task. As she started to place the heavy pint glasses on the shelves on the back of the bar, she felt her cell phone vibrate. Looking around apprehensively, she pulled out the phone and opened the screen with a sweep of her finger.

  “Hello? This is Briana speaking.”

  A clear English voice sang from the phone. “Briana darling! I believe that I have a match for you...well I guess I should say matches.”

  Looking around furtively, Briana clutched the phone to her ear and walked swiftly to the back of the pub. “You’ve found...” She coughed and continued. “You’ve found someone in the area who would be interested...?”

  “Yes my dear. I am SO excited. I was afraid it would be impossible with your geographical limitations. But, I’m happy to say that I have a definite yes.” She paused for a moment for dramatic effect. “And, they will be able to pay off all of your debt as well as reinvigorate your operating expenses fund.” Briana heard the sounds of papers shuffling. “They will want at least a year of service but it looks pretty standard.” She continued. “It is a pair of twin brothers who own a very large cattle ranch outside of Bozeman as well as a surveillance company.” Briana listened to the details with a growing sense of dread. “They would want you to be socially and sexually available to them during your time of service.” Sounds of papers again. “They are into very light BDSM but nothing that should be an issue for you my dear. You’ve actually tested as VERY submissive on all of our tests. Usual safe words of course.” She breathed in and out briskly before inquiring. “So what do you think?”

  Briana started chewing her lower lip. “So, is this the Kerrigan brothers?” Her tone held out hope that this wasn’t so.

  Mrs. Quinn let out a trill of laughter. “How did you know dear?”

  Briana rubbed her forehead before answering. “I dated Liam years ago.” She dropped her forehead into her hand. “I knew that I didn’t want to settle in Montana so I didn’t let it become too serious.” She breathed in and out heavily. “I’m not surprised that they both would want me. I’ve heard rumors...”

  Mrs. Quinn responded with a tinkling laugh. “Well dear, all I can say is why not have two times the fun with the compensation you will be receiving?”

  Briana laughed uneasily as she felt the jail doors close. “Sure. I hope I will be able to escape once I’ve completed my contract.”

  “Hmmm...” Mrs. Quinn took a moment as she absorbed Briana’s words. “Remember that you will stay in close contact with me during the term of your service. If you feel unsafe for any reason, just give me a call. Also, if I don’t hear from you during our weekly check-ins, I will contact the local authorities.” She exhaled noisily. “Don’t worry dear. We’ve got you covered.”

  Briana felt slightly heartened after Mrs. Quinn’s reassurance. “Oh, okay. I’m just happy that I will be able to save my parent’s pub. That is all that really matters right now.”

  Mrs. Quinn’s voice held conviction. “They are blessed to have such a wonderful daughter.”

  Tears welled in Briana’s eyes. “Thank you.” She choked up and turned off the phone before Mrs. Quinn could respond.


  “Ms. O’Donnell?” Briana lifted her head up from the mixed drink in front of her on the bar in the trendy downtown Bozeman eatery. She’d come early so she’d be able to have a quick drink before meeting her new employers. Looking down at the martini, she slurped up the last bit of alcohol before turning to greet the restaurant’s maitre d’. A short, nervous man sporting a pencil mustache over his lip bowed to her over the menus he held in his hands. “Your party is waiting for you in one of the private rooms. He stopped and looked at her expectantly. Briana gathered her coat and clutch purse as she stood up.

  “Lead the way!” The man led her down a narrow hall before opening a door on a private dining suite.

  “Here you go Ma’am.” He stepped back to allow her the space to enter the room. “Take a seat and look at the menu.” He followed her in and pulled out her seat before handing her a piece of printed cardstock. “Can I take your coat?” Briana handed over her long shawl collared black coat at his request.

  Briana looked around in askance. “I thought they were waiting for me...”

  The man rubbed his hands together and looked around perplexed. “They were here. They should be back soon. “His attention once again turned to Briana. “Can I bring you another drink Miss?”

  Looking up to the ceiling as if asking it for guidance before looking at him, Briana gave a sharp nod. “Vodka martini.”

  He tilted his head quickly and wheeled around to exit the room. Briana uncomfortably looked over the menu after taking a quick sip of the water provided at her place setting. Hmmm, this was a little awkward. She sighed while lifting up the heavy cardstock. She shook her head while rolling her eyes. Why wasn’t she surprised that it was such a pretentious offering? It seemed like every restaurant in downtown Bozeman now catered to the rich elite rather than the locals. What the hell was she doing here? She sighed again and slumped her shoulders. She was here because for the next 12 months, she was going to be the sexual pla
ything of the Kerrigan brothers. Ignoring the slight tingle in her nether regions, Briana reflected on the past relationship she’d shared with the magnetic twins.


  Eighteen year old Briana efficiently gathered empty glasses and dirty lunch plates off of the elaborately carved oak bar while keeping an ear open for new arrivals. Her father briskly counted out the contents of the old fashioned cash register by the front door. After loading the dirty dishes into a bus tub she hefted the tub up onto a hip and carried them into the back of the pub. Harry, their teenage dishwasher used an elbow to push overlong sandy hair back from his sweaty red brow. “Just place them there. I’ll get to them as soon as possible.” He pointed to the space next to the sink where numerous dirty bowls and plates teetered precariously. Forgetting that he had the dish sprayer in his hand, he spattered Briana as he gestured.

  “Hey!” Briana wiped the warm spray from her face. “Watch where you point that thing!” Laughing at Harry’s chagrined look, Briana set the crockery down carefully next to his haphazard piles. Shaking her head ruefully, she backed out of the kitchen and returned to the public area of the pub. She hurriedly busied herself with loading the glassware into the dishwasher located under the bar. Leaning over behind the bar, she heard a tinkling bell indicating that a customer had just come into the business establishment.

  “Well, if it isn’t Mr. Kerrigan! How are you doing lad?” Briana’s father’s Irish lilt boomed in the front of the restaurant. Briana’s ears picked up when an obviously Irish voice answered back with a much thicker brogue than her father’s Americanized accent.

  “Mister O’Donnell, it’s nice to see you again sir.” With his accent ‘Sir’ sounded more like ‘Sar’. Briana raised her head up curiously. As a second generation Irish-American, she’d had little contact with people from her father’s homeland. Hearing a man speak like her father for some reason piqued her interest in a way she couldn’t explain. Brushing long auburn bangs out of her eyes, she took in the man standing at the entrance of the establishment conversing with her father in animated tones. Her gazed started at his feet covered in dusty, battered cowboy boots. It slowly crawled up his jean clad legs to a standard cowboy belt with a shiny buckle. Her perusal continued; taking in a well fitted western shirt over a lean, muscular body. Her eyes moved up to meet sparkling navy blue eyes. She blushed at being caught staring and then returned her gaze back to meet his. The breath caught in her throat as she saw the shining black hair revealed when he took off his battered cowboy hat. It looked like he was long overdue for a haircut with the ends curling around his ears. The combination of dark blue wicked eyes in his tanned face with the glossy black overlong hair stirred something in her stomach.

  Noticing the exchange of glances between the two young people, Briana’s father smiled to himself knowingly and made the introductions. “Liam, lad, this is my daughter Briana. Briana Honey, come on over and meet this young gentleman from my motherland.” He gestured at Briana to come towards him and the handsome man standing next to him. Wiping her hands dry, Briana reluctantly joined them.

  She hesitantly held up a slim hand. Nice to meet you Mr. Kerrigan.” Her low voice came out melodic and breathy.

  Smiling down into her dark green eyes, Liam Kerrigan grasped her hand and smiled in a beguiling manner. “Nice to meet you Miss O’Donnell.” His grip tightened as they felt the electricity zing between them. His navy gazed lowered and a satisfied smile hovered around masculine, chiseled lips as he saw the pebbling of erect nipples underneath the wet material of her t-shirt. A blush suffused Briana’s cheeks when she saw the direction his attention had wandered. Damn it! Harry’s overspray had saturated the t-shirt over her ample chest. Despite wearing a sturdy cotton bra, her nipples showed through the shirt. Withdrawing her hand quickly, Briana crossed her arms to hide the evidence of her arousal. With a knowing smile, Liam dropped his hand.

  Missing their interaction, Briana’s father slapped Liam on the shoulder before turning to his daughter. “Briana, I think Liam would like a wee bit of that lamb stew we made for lunch today.” He turned his head back to Liam. “Would you like some soda bread with that as well?”

  A pleased smile split Liam’s lean, tan face. “Yes please.” He rubbed his hands together in delight. “I miss my mum’s cooking.” A sad look crossed over his face. “Coming to eat here is like a taste of home.”

  Forgetting her embarrassment, Briana touched his forearm softly. “You take a seat. I’ll bring you your food.” As she walked away she heard her father continue his conversation with Liam.

  “Sit here at the bar, lad. Would you like a bit of Guinness?”

  Liam laughed ruefully. “I’d better stick to a shandy, Brian. I have to go back to work on the ranch after I’m done with my errands in town.”

  Briana carefully placed the bowl of stew and plate of bread in front of Liam as her father filled a pint glass halfway with lager from the tap. He then walked over to the cooler and pulled out a jug of fresh squeezed lemonade. He briskly topped off the rest of the glass with the tart beverage before bringing it over to set in front of his hot, thirsty countryman. “Here you go lad.”

  Liam took a long drink of the beverage. Briana was fascinated by the throat muscles working under his tan skin as he quenched his thirst. Realizing that she was staring, she quickly averted her gaze. She caught a flash of amused cobalt eyes before she turned away to wipe the already clean bar top. Feeling slightly self-conscious, she moved around the almost empty restaurant tidying up the tables and filling condiment dispensers as needed. Her father busied himself behind the bar as Liam hungrily ate his lunch. Her father must have decided it was too quiet because a lilting ballad suddenly filled the air. Smiling to herself, Briana finished filling the catsup containers in the back of the room. She always enjoyed listening to the folk music her father loved. Glancing over to the bar, she saw that Liam had finished his food and was slowly savoring the last of the shandy.

  “Can I bring you anything else?” She murmured while reaching past him to gather his dirty dishes. A lean brown hand reached out to grip her wrist. They both felt the sparks jump between them. Briana attempted to reclaim her arm by pulling it away. Liam’s grasp tightened. Briana nervously looked to the back of the restaurant where her father had disappeared minutes before. Startled green eyes met slumberous navy.

  “I’d like for you to say yes to a date this weekend.” His silken tones shivered over her skin. Briana was embarrassed to feel her nipples peak again and muscles clenched low in her abdomen. She licked her lips hesitantly. Roses bloomed in her ivory cheeks at his low groan. His gaze locked on her full pink lips as his eyes darkened to a midnight black.

  “Um...” She swallowed while thinking furiously. She really didn’t want a boyfriend. At the end of the summer she would be attending college out of state and didn’t need the entanglement. On a very deep level, she knew that Liam wouldn’t be easy to leave if she allowed him to get close. But...maybe she could see it as a summer fling. A last hurrah, so to speak, before four grueling years of college. After coming to this decision, Briana flashed a shy smile at him. “Sure. What night?”

  Liam smiled in satisfaction as he released her wrist. “Saturday 6 PM. I’ll pick you up. What’s your number? I’ll give you a call beforehand.” Standing up, he threw a few bills on the bar top. Briana gave him her number which he carefully wrote on a cocktail napkin. “Okay Luv, I’ll see you Saturday.” He gave another flash of his rakish smile before placing his cowboy hat on top of his head before striding to the front door. Right before he exited he wheeled around and raised his eyebrows. “Wear a dress with a full skirt and your hair down.” He winked at her then left the pub.

  Briana shook her head as she cleared his place setting. Pretty darned bossy for a first date! Smiling secretively to herself, she walked to the back of the pub with Liam’s bowl and plate. Her father came out of his office as she dropped the plates off into Harry’s lair. Dropping a hand on her shoulder, he walke
d out to the front bar. “So, you like Liam a little I think.” He squeezed her shoulder firmly and smiled down into her embarrassed face.

  Briana’s eyes lowered then she looked up at her Dad’s knowing face. “He asked me out and I said yes.”

  Brian slapped her shoulder while laughing heartily. “I figured you wouldn’t be able to resist the lad.” He winked at her. “Remember that you have to go to college at the end of summer Darlin’’.”

  Briana rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry, Dad. I’ll never let a man come between me and my education.”

  Brian roared with laughter. “That’s what I like to hear Sweetheart.” He roughly patted her on the head. “You’ll’ll do.” He chortled as he walked away.


  Briana sucked down the last of her martini as she reflected on the events of ten years before. She’d been so young then. She didn’t realize what an effect Liam would have on her as an inexperienced young woman. Taking a deep breath, she pushed away the empty martini glass and grabbed her water glass to take a deep drink. At this rate, she’d need to order coffee! Blinking her eyes rapidly, she suddenly sat up straight. She could hear voices coming from the hallway. They sounded oddly familiar. The hairs stood up on her arms as she recognized the familiar cadence of Irish voices in conversation. Unless there was a Gaelic convention in town, it was a good chance that her ‘employers’ were outside the room. Butterflies suddenly took residence in her stomach as the door handle turned. A familiar black head peeked around the door and found her sitting nervously at the table. “I can’t believe it. It is Miss Briana O’Donnell.” Liam smiled at her around the door. He pushed the door open and walked into the room followed by his brother Connor. “Brother, isn’t she a wonderful sight?” He walked around the side of the table and passed behind Briana before sitting in the chair to her left. Lifting her hand up to his lips, he dropped a lingering kiss onto the back of her left hand.