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The Cattle Barons' Submissive Page 3
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Page 3
Liam’s mood instantly changed from playful to serious at her question. “Well, that’s kind of a long story. My father...” He paused for a moment as if to swallow past a lump in his throat. “My father always talked about immigrating to Montana and joining his brother Patrick, we call him Paddy, who owns a small cattle operation south of Bozeman.” He looked down at the fork in his hand and carefully set it on the edge of the now empty dessert plate. “He and my mum were saving money and getting ready to move us all when...” He blinked his eyes rapidly as if to hold back tears. “When he was diagnosed with lung cancer...it took him quickly. My mother was devastated. With him gone she didn’t have the heart to carry out the move with us kids so she stayed in Galway and raised us.”
Briana toyed with a spoon then looked up at him. “Us? You have siblings?” She raised an arched auburn brow.
“Yeah. I have a twin brother. His name is Connor. We might see him later tonight.”
Briana prompted him. “So, you and Connor...”
Liam sat back in his chair. “After we graduated from Secondary School, we decided to apply to MSU and much to our surprise, we were accepted. Uncle Paddy was happy to allow us to stay with him after our student visas were approved.” He shifted a bit on his chair. “And, now, after receiving bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science Connor and I are pursuing master’s degrees in Business Administration.” At Briana’s look of surprise he smiled wickedly. “Just thought I was a cowboy didn’t you Luv?” He laughed heartily as a tinge of pink touched Briana’s cheeks. “We work on Uncle Paddy’s ranch in the summer. It’s the least we can do considering all he’s done for us.” He signaled the waitress as she walked by. “Our bill please.” The flushed, pretty, fair haired girl nodded and rushed to the back of the restaurant. Within a few minutes she returned with the check. She presented it to Liam with a shy smile and a delicate touch to the back of his hand. Briana almost gasped at her audacity. His date was sitting right here! Liam quirked a brow at Briana as he placed several twenties on top of the check and handed it to their server. “Keep the change Luv.” The waitress fanned herself with the stack of money while continuing to stare at the sexy Irishman.
“Come back...anytime. Just ask for Daisy.” Her voice came out husky and broke slightly. Catching herself, the waitress cleared her throat and fixed a bright, professional smile on Briana then Liam. “Thank you. Have a good evening.” Wheeling around on unsteady heels, she walked to the cash register.
Briana just shook her head slowly then looked at Liam with narrowed eyes. “You have that effect on all women?” Her tone contained a hint of asperity.
Liam lifted his hands up in the air as a touch of red tinged his tan cheeks. “What can I say? American women have a ‘thing’ for men with an accent.” He looked faintly smug as he made air quotes. “Especially an Irish accent.”
Briana looked towards the ceiling. “Oh, heaven preserve us.” She shook her head slowly from side to side. “I’m not sure I’m up to scaring away all of the ho’s who’ll be hanging all over you.”
Liam laughed heartily, flashing white teeth. “Don’t worry Darlin’’. I chose you. Don’t feel insecure because some trout chooses to chase me.” He winked at her wickedly. “You already have me hook, line and sinker.”
Briana rolled her eyes again. Seems like that was all she did when in Liam’s presence! “Oh please...spare me. You’re laying it on a bit thick now.” She shook her head in resignation.
Liam’s eyes turned serious as he captured her hand. “I am really smitten with you Briana. They don’t mean anything to me...I promise.” Dark blue eyes held deep green with serious intent. For a moment, Briana felt like she was drowning then she shook her head in an attempt to clear it.
“I...I...” She attempted to speak with a suddenly woolen tongue. Still holding her in his thrall, Liam lifted her red tipped hand and kissed delicately in the palm. Briana felt a shiver run through her frame at his caress. She was thankful for the loose sweater since it hid her nipples peaking once again. Liam smiled in satisfaction then gently helped her stand.
“Time for the next event of the evening.” He tucked her slender hand in the crook of his elbow. “I hope that you like dancing.”
Briana gave him a surprised sideways glance. “Uh, usually...where are we going?”
Liam shot her a twinkling look. “It’s a surprise.”
Two pairs of cobalt eyes stared at Briana intently as she nonchalantly sipped the Sauvignon Blanc their waiter had brought a moment before. Liam cleared his throat then flung an arm behind her chair possessively. “First order of business.” He held up a finger in front of her face. “You will move into our home at the Kerrigan Ranch. You will have your own room and Connor and I will either take turns or sleep there with you together.” Briana sat rigidly as he continued. “Two (another finger); you will submit to our preferences as far as clothing and toys.” Briana shifted awkwardly at this pronouncement. “Three (another finger); you will submit to our preferences as far as rules and punishment.”
Briana sat upright at this pronouncement. “What do you mean?”
Connor and Liam exchanged glances. Liam continued. “Punishments may include hand spanking, spanking with improvised items like a wooden spoon, spatula or switch.....Bigger infractions would be handled with the strap.” He shifted in his seat. “Non-corporal punishments might include orgasm control, a large butt plug, a chastity belt and corner time.”
Briana frowned. “Corner time...like a child would do?”
Connor smiled wryly. “We’ve found that corner time encourages a submissive to think about what she has done and places her in the proper mindset to apologize to us for her transgressions.”
Briana looked up at each of them in turn through her lashes. “Really? I have to apologize to you after you’ve punished me?” She raised an eyebrow in disbelief.
Liam’s arm tightened around her shoulders. “If you’ve broken a rule, you’ll need to acknowledge your transgression and promise to do your best to never break it again.” He lifted her chin up so she could meet his eyes. “Do you understand?”
Briana pouted her lip mutinously. “I guess.”
Liam gently shook her in warning. “Attitude can also be used as reason for punishment. I would suggest that you modulate your expression.” Briana’s eyes flared in alarm as she adjusted her face to a more neutral demeanor.
Liam released Briana as the waiter entered the room with rolling cart. “Your dinner is served.” He began to set the artistically arranged plates in front of Briana, Connor and Liam. The corner of Briana’s lip curled up as she took in the nouvelle cuisine offering. A tiny portion of chicken was thinly sliced and fanned over half of the small plate. The chef had swirled a sauce artistically over the meat. The rice had been formed into a cylinder with a flat top covered with thin, curled threads of some sort of vegetable. Five spears of asparagus finished the meal. Briana shook her head slightly. She was glad that she didn’t have much of an appetite! This wouldn’t feed a bird. Sighing in resignation, she picked her fork and began to eat.
Briana’s eyes widened as Liam pulled his truck into a parking lot outside the Bozeman Community center. She could hear music spilling around the corner of the building. Liam helped her out of the truck and placed a hand at the base of her spine. Briana looked up at him in puzzlement. “Come and see Darlin’’. I think you’ll like this.” He dangled a cloth bag in his other hand.
“What is that?” Briana inquired.
“I asked your Mom to grab them for me while you finished getting ready for our date.” Liam spoke as they rounded the corner of the building. Briana gasped in delight. The Community Center had an outdoor open sided shelter with a stage on one end. The top of the shelter sported canvas awnings that could be raised or lowered as needed to block rain or sun. Since it was a clear night, the awnings were raised leaving the shelter open to the darkening sky. Twinkling strings of lights wrapped the
columns and rafters of the structure creating a magical atmosphere. Multiple picnic tables surrounded the building containing revelers getting ready to dance.
Briana whirled around to look at Liam. “Is this...a wedding reception?”
Liam laughed. “No, it’s the bi-monthly meeting of the Gallatin County Contra Dancers.”
Briana’s auburn brow furrowed. “Contra Dancers?”
“Yeah, it’s basically folk dancing...kind of like square dance but less difficult.”
Briana’s face cleared. “Oh...I’ve heard of this. It sounds like fun.” She looked around at all of the women in brightly colored, full skirts. “I can see why you wanted me to wear a dress.”
Liam’s hand gripped her waist and pulled her in close for a quick squeeze. “No matter Darlin’’. It’s an informal gathering. Your jeans will fit in just fine.”
Briana stumbled as her high heels sunk into the grass. “And I have the wrong shoes.”
Laughter rumbled in Liam’s throat as he lifted up the cloth bag. “No worries Luv. Your mum gave me a flat pair appropriate for dance.” Seeing her struggle in her heels, Liam swooped Briana up in his arms and took long strides to a picnic table on the far side of the shelter. Whooping in alarm, Briana held on as he deftly carried her across the grass. She blinked her eyes rapidly as she took in what appeared to be Liam’s mirror image sitting at the table next to a pouty buxom blonde.
“Liam, my man. Good of you to join us.” Liam’s doppelganger stood up from the table and strode toward them offering his hand to Briana. “You’re right brother. She is a beauty.”
Briana tentatively offered her hand to shake his. She answered hesitantly. “You must be Connor.”
A brilliant smile split his aquiline lips showing strong, white teeth against tan skin. “Right you are Sweetheart.” He released her hand and turned his head to the disgruntled woman sitting at the table. “And this is my date, Becky. Becky, honey, get up and meet Briana.” His voice held a note of steel. The petite woman’s spine straightened at his tone and she reluctantly pushed herself up to standing. Liam allowed Briana to slide down to her feet as Becky approached them. He kept a possessive hand on her hip as introductions were made.
The blonde woman reached out a limp hand to Briana. “Nice to meet you.” Her tone of voice and body language said it was anything but.
Wondering what her problem could be, Briana took the proffered hand for a cursory handshake then dropped it. “Nice to meet you too Becky.” Her tone was perfunctory.
“Becky.” Connor’s voice held a warning note as he slid his hand down his date’s back to briefly pat her behind. Becky stiffened at his action as alarm flashed in her eyes.
She attempted a more genuine smile. “I’m glad that you joined us.” She injected more warmth in her voice. After speaking, she cast an apprehensive gaze to first Connor and, oddly, to Liam as well. Watching the interplay, Briana wondered what was going on between the three. At Connor’s approving nod, the blonde woman visibly relaxed.
Connor slapped Liam’s shoulder. “You’d better get Briana ready for the introductory class brother. She’ll enjoy it more if she knows the basics.” Liam led Briana to the table and sat her down on one of the attached, round seats.
“Here Luv.” Kneeling at her feet he gently unbuckled the delicate sandal on one foot then the other. Absently caressing her ankle and foot down to red tipped toenails; he reached over to pull out black leather ballet flats from the canvas shopping bag. Briana automatically pointed her toes to allow him to place on first one shoe then the other. For some reason, the action felt very intimate. By the time Liam was done, Briana’s cheeks blazed red. Knowing indigo eyes looked up at her as Liam went to standing in one lithe movement. “Come with me.” He held out a hand to her. Briana allowed him to pull her to standing and waited for one breathless moment to see if he would embrace her. “We’d better get on the floor. The band is done warming up.” Breaking her eyes away from his magnetic gaze, Briana allowed herself to be led onto the wooden dance floor.
“Briana, how is your meal?” Connor’s deep voice at her ear caused tingles up and down Briana’s spine. She was appalled to feel her cunt moisten at his rumbling tone.
Looking up at him under her lashes, Briana smiled nervously. “Very good.” Her tone was studiously polite.
Connor smirked then looked over at his brother. “Told you this place is all flash over substance.” He looked down at the paltry offering on his plate. “We’d have to order at least three entrees each in order to be satisfied.” He sounded thoroughly disgusted. Briana lowered her head to hide her smile of agreement.
Liam burst out laughing. “You’re right brother.” He shook his head. “Maybe we should stop by the Wild Grizzly for burgers on our way home.” Briana giggled into her napkin. Looking from side to side she shared smiles with the brothers.
“Madam, Sirs can I get you anything else right now?” The waiter’s smooth tones interrupted their merriment. His eyes widened in surprise when his patrons burst into gales of laughter at his words.
With tears streaming down his face, Liam waved him away. “No, we’re fine.” He looked at his watch. “Please bring our check...we’re full.” Connor and Briana burst into laughter again at his statement. The bewildered waiter exited the room.
After wiping tears from his cheeks with the cloth napkin, Connor turned to Briana. “Darlin’’, would you like us to take you out for a burger before we take you home? I didn’t plan to starve you.” Briana chuckled then shook her head.
“I think I’ll be fine. I should really get going. I have to open the restaurant tomorrow.” She started to stand up. Liam’s hand around her wrist stopped her exit.
“Wait a minute, Luv. I’m going to drive you home. Connor will follow with your car.”
Briana furrowed her brow. “Why?”
“You’ve had how many drinks this evening?”
Briana calculated quickly in her head. “About four I think...”
Liam shook his head. “We’ve only been here about an hour and a half. I imagine that you’re over the limit Sweetheart.”
Briana’s eyes widened. “You’re probably right. You don’t mind driving me home?”
Liam shook his head. “I want you moving in with us as soon as possible. Coming home with you after a ‘date’ should help to convince your parents that we’ve reconciled.”
Briana nodded her head thoughtfully. “O..kay. I think that would be for the best.” She looked to Connor as she pulled her keys out of her purse. “It’s the red Toyota Camry parked out front. Vanity plates say Rse o Trlee2.” At his raised brow she shook her head. “My mom’s car. I don’t own one since I live...I mean I lived in San Francisco before this.” She sighed deeply and spoke almost to herself. “Hopefully I’ll live there again once this whole mess is cleaned up.” The brothers exchanged meaningful looks at her words.
Liam cleared his throat as he stood up. “Let’s go Darlin’.” He turned his head to Connor. I’ll meet you at her place.
Connor nodded his head. “Sounds good. I’ll settle here and follow as soon as I can.”
Wrapping an arm around Briana’s shoulders, Liam escorted her out the door. “Our coats please.” He asked the hostess as they neared the entrance of the restaurant. She quickly found their coats and brought them to the trio. Liam efficiently helped Briana into her warm wool coat before donning an exquisite grey wool overcoat. “Are you ready?” He gazed into Briana’s dark green eyes with an indulgent smile.
Pink tinged her cheeks as she answered. “Yes I am.” Taking his proffered arm, she allowed Liam to lead her out into the chilly Fall evening.
Chapter Two – It Takes Two...or Three?
Sitting in the lush interior of Liam’s Mercedes-Benz SUV, Briana settled back in her seat and pulled the wide collar of her coat tight. Though Liam had turned on the vehicle’s heater, the car was still chilly from sitting outside while they ate dinner. “What are you thinking
about?” Liam’s smooth tones caressed her ears.
Briana smiled absently out the windshield of the car. “I was just thinking that this brings me back to old times. You taking me home after a night on the town.” She glanced over to Liam’s profile in the dark interior of the SUV. She could see a corner of his mouth lift up as he responded.
“Though we couldn’t afford to eat at the The Palomino Grill when we dated before.”
Briana snorted. “No great loss.”
Liam laughed heartily. “Agreed. Next time we’ll take you to a place that caters to locals...like your pub.”
Briana nodded in agreement then her expression sobered. “So...you and Connor really want me to...be your submissive? I thought that you probably wouldn’t want anything to do with me after the way we parted.”
She could see Liam press his lips tightly together before he answered. “We were pretty angry at how you skipped out of town without bothering to tell us you were going.” He glanced over at her briefly before returning his attention to the road. “We were also concerned that we’d scared you. We knew that you were inexperienced. We should have taken it more slowly...” He shook his head in regret as he deftly parked the vehicle in front of Briana’s parent’s home. Turning off the engine, he turned towards Briana and wrapped an arm around the back of her seat. “When we heard you were coming back to town, we decided to keep an eye on you and possibly make amends.” He shook his head slowly. “Imagine our surprise when we found out that you were looking for a position as a submissive with Discrete Assignments.” The fingers of his hand on the back of her seat tightened on the headrest. His voice thickened. “We couldn’t believe that you’d go to such lengths to bail out your family’s pub.” He nodded his head at Briana’s look of surprise. “Yeah, we know that Roy fleeced the business then ran.” He looked a little embarrassed. “Our private investigator discovered his perfidy.”