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The Cattle Barons' Submissive Page 4
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Page 4
Briana bridled. “Private investigator?”
Liam nodded again. “Yeah, we were curious as to why you’d returned after all of these years.” His face hardened. “And we were angry when we realized that you’d rather sell yourself to a stranger than come to us for the money.” He bit out the last few words.
Briana blinked rapidly in surprise. “To be honest, I didn’t even consider asking you for it...” Her words trailed off. “I mean it was so many years ago and I assumed that you’d both moved on...” The last bit came out in a thin whisper. As she spoke, Liam had moved his hand from the back of the seat to wrap around the side of her throat. A surprisingly rough thumb reached up to lightly run over her bottom lip. His grasp tilted her head up so alarmed green eyes met determined blue. “We tried to move on Darlin’’ but we kept comparing every woman we dated to you.” With these words hard masculine lips swooped in to claim her mouth. Briana instinctively opened her lips at his silent command. Liam’s tongue forged into her mouth. She responded instantly to his dominant presence. Shifting her knees apart slightly, she turned towards him on the leather bucket seat. She leaned over the center console between the seats in order to meet him halfway. Liam moaned in appreciation and reached with his other hand to unbutton the front of her heavy winter coat. Now burning up, Briana gave no protest as he spread the heavy fabric apart to reveal her curvaceous frame wrapped in a black knit dress. Calloused fingers delicately traced the wrap bodice of the low cut dress. Briana could feel her breasts come to almost painful peaks under the cups of her lacy bra. Groaning deep in his throat, Liam released her lips and his grip on her throat and leaned back in his seat. Large fingers slid under the sides of her bodice and pulled out one creamy, pink tipped breast and then the other. The nipples on both breasts stood out proudly under his perusal. His hand slid under her left breast and lifted it up slightly as if he were weighing it. The corner of his lips quirked as he mirrored this action with his other hand on the right breast. Rough thumbs rubbed lightly over the painfully tight tips. Briana whimpered in her throat and jumped slightly in her seat.
A knowing smile spread over his lips. “Does that feel good Darlin’’?” His brogue had thickened with arousal. Briana blinked rapidly then nodded her head. “How about if I do this.” Liam leaned over and sucked strongly on her right breast. He used an open mouth which encompassed not just the nipple but included the areola as well. The suction was just strong enough, Briana vacillated between sensations of pleasure and pain. Liam continued with his suction for what seemed like an eternity to her. She could feel her womb clench at his ministrations and her hips began to rock in time to his rhythmic suckling. Liam released the breast with an audible pop and leaned over to open his mouth over the left breast. Briana’s respiration rate increased as he brought this crest to a painful peak as well. His left hand impatiently spread her knees apart and slid up her inner leg to the humid cleft at the apex of her thighs. Rough fingers dug impatiently at the crotch of her tights until Briana felt them split apart. Liam released her breast for a moment to growl. “Rule number one – open your legs to me if I place my hand on your thigh.” Briana hastily moved her legs open in the dark interior of the car. Liam grunted in approval. “Rule number two...you don’t block me from this.” A thick finger pushed aside the crotch of her silky thong, pierced her soppy wet pussy and penetrated her depths roughly. Briana flinched at his invasion. Her narrow passage fluttered against the thick digit. She was ashamed to admit that its entry had been smooth due to the copious lubrication she’d produced while Liam suckled on her breasts. The finger stayed still in her pussy as Liam continued with the rules. “No difficult to move underwear over our cunt. You must wear skirts so we have easy access. If you need to wear tights or panty hose, I want you to cut out the crotch.” The finger started to slowly saw in and out of her clinging depths. “Do you understand?”
Slightly breathless and flushed; Briana swallowed than nodded her head. Liam stopped his stimulating caress. “I need words from you.”
Briana’s uncovered chest rose and fell before she answered. “Yes, I understand.”
“How do you address me with respect?” This came out as a growl.
“Yes...Sir?” Briana’s voice trailed off.
Liam’s finger continued its intimate thrust and drag. The breath caught in Briana’s throat as her hips started moving involuntarily. She could feel her body ramp up to orgasm. Pink tinted her cheeks and she panted through moist, open lips. Liam abruptly withdrew his hand and pulled down her skirt. “Rule number three – no orgasms without our permission.” He sat back in the seat. “I don’t think that you will get to come tonight.” He laughed at Briana’s pout. “I do want you to rub your pussy for thirty minutes before you go to sleep. If you feel like you are going to come, stop and cool down and then start again. If you wake up during the night, rub yourself back to sleep. Tomorrow, set your alarm to wake up thirty minutes early. Use that time to stimulate your clit again. Remember just rubbing...no penetration.” He held an admonishing finger in front of her face. “We will know if you’ve come when one of us see you tomorrow. If you’ve gone against our wishes, you will be punished. Do you understand?”
Briana’s cheeks blazed red in the dim interior of the car. She answered in a small, choked voice. “Yes Sir.” Her voice held suppressed rage. She’d not realized that her employers would be able to dictate not only when she could come but would also enforce a masturbation schedule! She stiffly leaned over and picked up her purse. “I probably should go in. I need to get to bed tonight.”
Liam grabbed her wrist. “Before we go in...” He pulled something out of the center console of the SUV. He handed her a small, black plastic rectangle with an antenna sticking up out of it. He reached into the console again and pulled out another black rectangle with a USB connector sticking out of the end. It also looked like it had an antenna. He handed this to her as well. “Put these in your purse.”
Briana looked at him in askance. “What are these things?”
Liam smiled faintly. “They are a remote surveillance system.” He paused for a moment. “You own a laptop?”
Briana nodded then blurted out. “Why do I need this?”
Liam chuckled low in his throat. “We want to make sure that you are doing what we tell you. We’ll be checking in on you remotely until you move in with us.”
Briana did a double take then sat back hard against the leather seatback. “Are you kidding me? You guys are going to be spying on me?”
Liam nodded with a smug look on his face. “We want to keep an eye on our investment.”
Briana shook her head. “This is a little crazy.”
Liam shrugged. “It is allowed in our employment contract with you. You did read it over didn’t you?”
Briana glared at him. “Of course I did. I just didn’t realize that you’d want to watch me...” She stopped in embarrassment and dropped her head. Strong fingers smelling faintly of her secretions reached under her chin to tilt up her head.
“Rub that beautiful pussy?”
Briana dropped her head again and looked at her intertwined fingers. “Yes.” In a mutter.
Liam threw back his head and laughed out loud. “One of the things you’re going to learn about us in the next year is that...we like to watch.”
Briana lifted her head swiftly and glared at him. “So, am I always going to be under surveillance?”
Liam smirked. “A good portion of the time. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.”
Alarm flared briefly in her eyes. “Are you going to record me?”
Liam nodded. “Yes, but for our eyes only. The contract with Discrete Assignments is iron clad as far as this stipulation. The penalties for breaking this clause are very stiff.” He rubbed a reassuring hand over Briana’s forearm. “Don’t worry. We are very possessive. We wouldn’t dream of sharing your videos with anyone else.”
Briana’s shoulders dropped in relief. “Good...I can’t afford to have
any sort of scandal when I go back to my life in San Francisco. CAP has said that they will find a place for me when I am done here.”
Liam’s fingers tightened painfully on Briana’s forearm then released. “You have my word that our surveillance videos won’t affect your future work prospects.” His lip curled as he said this.
Briana nodded in appreciation. “Thanks...so now what?”
Liam reached over to open her purse. He dropped in the surveillance equipment and pulled out her cell phone. “I’m going to program Connor’s and my cell numbers into your phone. I want you to call one of us when you are ready for bed. Have your laptop ready.” He deftly entered the numbers into her phone then dropped it back into her purse. “Okay, it’s time for us to go in and meet your parents. I want to establish our reconciliation as soon as possible so you can move in with us.” He closed her purse and handed it back to her. “Ready?”
Briana breathed in deeply. “I guess.”
Liam nodded then opened his door. “Let’s get it over with and face the gauntlet.”
Contra dancing was so much fun! Briana twirled around in her partner’s arms as she passed Liam with Becky in his arms. Becky smirked at her as she ran her hand suggestively over Liam’s chest and shoulder. Briana glared at her over her partner’s shoulder. The skanky blonde was the only fly in the ointment. She’d used every opportunity to fondle Liam in front of Briana. Liam’s behavior was exemplary and in fact he’d distanced himself as much as possible from Becky’s unwanted attentions. Connor had watched his date’s shenanigans with slowly increasing anger. Briana saw him darting narrow eyed glares toward Becky every time they passed. The band finished up the Jig with a flourish. Laughing and out of breath, Briana looked over at Liam and smiled. He made his way through the crowd to reach her side. “Why don’t we sit this one out?” He snagged her hand in his and led her off of the floor. Briana looked over her shoulder at Connor as he placed a heavy hand on the back of Becky’s neck and steered her their way. They all reached their table at the same time.
“Becky and are I are going to take a little stroll. We’ll be back in a few.” He kept his hand on the back of his date’s neck. Becky look uncharacteristically chastened and gave them a small smile before looking down. As they walked away, Becky noticeably dragged her feet.
Briana turned her attention back to Liam. “What’s up with her?”
He shrugged. “She is used it being just us three. For some reason, she thinks she has a claim on me.” His head turned so he could look in the direction in which his brother and Becky had disappeared. “Don’t worry. Connor will get her sorted out.” He turned back to Briana and captured her hands between his. “I’d much rather talk about you.”
Briana blushed and looked down. “What do you want to know?”
Liam’s hands tightened. “Well, I know that you work at your family’s restaurant. What are your plans for the future?” His smile died when Briana began speaking.
“I’m going to college in California this Fall.”
Liam lifted her fingers up to his lips and kissed them delicately. “Have you thought of attending MSU instead? I hate to lose you after just meeting...” His work trailed off at Briana’s vehement head shake.
“No, all my life I’ve dreamed of getting out of Montana. I don’t ever plan to return once I go away to college.”
Liam rubbed her hand on his cheek. “Ah Darlin’’, you’re making me sad with all of this talk of leaving.”
Briana smiled at him with melting green eyes. “Why don’t we just live in the moment and not worry about the future right now?”
Liam smiled sadly. “Okay Darlin’’. But just so you know, I’ll be trying to change your mind.”
Briana shrugged her shoulders. “Okay.” She left it at that. She knew that nothing was going to change her mind but she didn’t want to ruin the lovely time she was having on their date. Liam drew her in for a quick touch of the lips then gathered her into his side with an arm around her shoulders. The two of them quietly enjoyed the colorful dancers twirling around the dance floor. As the dance was wrapping up, Briana looked over her should to see Connor and Becky walking back towards them. Unlike before, Connor now had a loving arm wrapped around Becky’s shoulder with her blonde head resting against his shoulder. Their body language screamed of intimacy. Briana raised her eyebrows but remained silent. It was none of her business if Liam’s brother had sex with his date somewhere in the park surrounding the Community Center. As the duo approached, Briana noticed that Becky’s eyes looked a little red and she move stiffly. That must have been some fuck! Briana shook her head and her glance slid sideways to study Liam’s handsome face. Hopefully their first time would be as memorable. She turned her attention back to the dancers until someone cleared their throat right next to her.
“Uh, Briana and Liam.” It was Becky. She looked down at them with bright eyes. “I’m sorry if I was hanging all over Liam.” She looked up at Connor then back at them. “It won’t happen again.”
Briana was dumbstruck. Liam answered for them. “No problem, Luv. I’m proud of you for making it right.” Connor gathered a now blushing Becky against his side then ran a hand deliberately over her bottom. Becky winced then caught herself. Smiling brightly at Liam and Briana she leaned closer into Connor’s side.
“Connor, honey...can we dance the next dance?” Connor looked down at her indulgently.
“Of course Hen. It might help keep you from getting stiff.” For some reason, Becky turned bright red at his words. She allowed Connor to lead her to her seat at the table then sat down gingerly. Briana once again shook her head. Wow! Connor must be an animal. She cast another speculative gaze at Liam. After a moment she smiled and shook her head. Too soon to be having such thoughts. She returned her attention to the lively music and dancers.
“Briana Darlin’g. I’m so glad to hear that you’re home.” Briana’s mother rounded the corner from the living room into the foyer. “Your father...” She stopped short when she saw who was standing in front of her. “Why, Liam Kerrigan, my boy.” She walked forward with her hand outstretched. “How are you?” A bemused Liam took her hand then leaned forward to kiss her cheek.
“Nice to see you again Mrs. O’Donnell...uh Lisa.” Liam looked like an abashed boy in her Mom’s presence. Briana smiled to herself at his regression from a billionaire businessman to a twenty four year old cowboy.
Lisa smiled up at him with starry eyes then turned to her daughter with a gimlet eyed gaze. “You didn’t tell me that your date tonight was with Liam.” Her tone was accusing.
Briana shifted uncomfortably. “Sorry Mom. Our reconciliation is fairly new and I wasn’t ready to share it with anyone yet.”
Liam slipped a hand under Briana’s elbow then around her waist. “I wanted to keep her to myself for a while Lisa. I hope you can forgive me.” He gave her his best roguish smile. “I’m sure that you can understand.”
Not immune to his charm, Lisa’s cheeks turned slightly pink. She waved her hand at the couple. “I understand...young lovebirds and all that.” She looked over her shoulder towards the living room. “Why don’t you come in and say hi to Brian? I know he’d love to see you.” After exchanging wide eyed glances, the couple followed her.
“Brian, look who’s here to see us! It’s Liam. He and Briana have been secretly dating. The sly boots!” Briana kept her gaze on Liam’s face as he took in her father’s changed appearance. Once a burly, ruggedly handsome man with green eyes and auburn hair identical to his daughter’s, Brian now resembled nothing more than a scarecrow with a shock of white hair. His left arm curled uselessly against his side. His left leg was propped up on the footrest of his recliner. Since the stroke, he’d diligently done the exercises given to him by his physical therapist and had regained the ability to walk. Now they were working on walking without the brace or a cane and they were working on restoring function to his left arm. Liam knew none of this and wa
s viscerally impacted by the deterioration he saw in the man in front of him. He strode forward then bent to offer his hand.
“Brian O’Donnell, how are you doing sir?” His brogue had thickened at the presence of a fellow Irishman.
Green eyes identical to Briana’s twinkled under bushy white brows. “Mr. Kerrigan. It’s been a long time.” He shakily offered his right hand. “It’s about time you came to your senses and brought Briana to heel.”
Brian shifted his alert gaze to his daughter. “You know I’m right girl.” He turned his attention back to Liam. “She hasn’t brought a man home in the last ten years. All she does is work and then work some more.” He scowled at Briana. “I want some grandchildren and at the rate you and Roy are going I may die before that happens.”
Briana rolled her eyes. “Oh, please Dad. There’s plenty of time. You’ll outlive us all.”
Brian shook his finger at her. “I wouldn’t count on that if I were you lass.” Sitting back in his chair he folded his right hand over the twisted left hand lying in his lap. “So, how’s the restaurant doing? Is Roy checking in with you and helping out?”
Briana ignored Liam’s sharp glance. “Yes Pop. I’ve pretty much taken over the reins. It should be in good shape when he comes back to take it over.” She continued to ignore Liam’s searching eyes.
Lisa broke in. “Okay Brian. That’s enough. You know you aren’t supposed to talk shop.” She cast pleading eyes in Briana’s direction while fussing to put a pillow behind Brian’s head. “You young people probably would like to say your goodbyes now. Say goodbye Dear.” She dropped a gentle kiss to the top of her husband’s leonine white head.